Walk under the stars in the surroundings of Andraz Castle

10.08.2024 | Castello di Andraz

On Saturday, August 10, 2024, at 8:00 PM, we invite you to join us for a magical night walk from Andraz Castle to the Plan de la Ciasota clearing. Accompanied by an expert stargazer and naturalistic guide, you will explore the beauty of the starry sky on one of the most enchanting nights of the year. This unique experience will allow you to learn about constellations, planets, and the wonders of the night sky in a beautiful and natural setting.

Info, costs and reservations: +39 334 3346680 - info@castellodiandraz.it

Activities and experiences
Walk under the stars in the surroundings of Andraz Castle
Walk under the stars in the surroundings of Andraz Castle
10.08.2024 | Castello di Andraz
Photographic Exhibition: Mejes, the memory of a landscape
Photographic Exhibition: Mejes, the memory of a landscape
11.07.2024 - 29.09.2024 | Andraz Castle
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Discovering the little villages of the Fodom valley: Arabba and Varda
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