Odyssey, a traveling theater show

04.08.2024 | Andraz Castle

Sunday, August 4, 2024, at 4:00 PM, at Andraz Castle, you can experience a unique theatrical event suitable for the whole family: ODISSEA.

This immersive performance (only in italian linguage),  will lead you through the captivating return journey of Odysseus, one of the main heroes of the Trojan War, to Ithaca, the long-awaited homeland from which he was separated for ten long years, facing dangers and encountering characters of all kinds along the way.

ODISSEA blends dreamlike, poetic, and comedic elements, bringing to life the iconic protagonists of the epic poem: Odysseus, Polyphemus, Circe, Tiresias, Aeolus, Penelope, and the Lotus-Eaters. Each part of the performance is dedicated to a specific character, exploring their mythological stories, characteristics, and adventures.

The audience will follow a path leading to monologues of various genres and styles, promising moments of emotion, entertainment, and perhaps even personal discovery, echoing the message of the famous poem by Cavafy, "Ithaca gave you the marvelous journey; without her, you would not have set out on the road."


  • Costumes by Emmanuela Cossar
  • Illustrations by Massimiliano Riva
  • Assistant Director: Tiziana Guidetti

Cast: Luca Ferri, Luca Marchioro, Alberto Fornasati, Massimiliano Kodric, Giulia Cosolo, Helena Cleofe Finati, Igori Nazarco

For further information and to make mandatory reservations, please call the following number: +39 334 3346680 (multiple sessions may be organized in case of high demand).

The performance will also take place in case of bad weather.

Activities and experiences
Documentary projection "La baraca de fen"
Documentary projection "La baraca de fen"
22.08.2024 | Museo Ladino Fodom, Pieve di Livinallongo
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12.08.2024 | Arabba Square
Author Meetings: Vanessa Bassot
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19.08.2024 | Arabba Congress Hall