Learn about the typical clothing of the Fodom Valley

25.07.2024 | Museo Ladino Fodom, Pieve di Livinallongo

On Thursday, July 25, at 4 p.m. will be held, at the renovated Museo Ladino Fodom (Ladin Museum Fodom), in Pieve di Livinallongo, the presentation "L guánt da festa" to learn about and properly wear the typical clothes of the Fodom Valley.

Because at one time, and still today, festivals and religious celebrations offer numerous occasions when women wear traditional costume. The best known feast is certainly that of Ferragosto: "Sánta Maria Maiou." But, even during Corpus Christi, festivals or other celebrations and parades, women pay special attention to wearing the traditional dress with every detail in the right place: the handkerchief, apron, shirt sleeves, collar, stockings and shoes. Each garment or accessory follows precise rules handed down: not too short, not too long, and laced in a specific way.

The activity is in Italian only.

Participation in this event is included in the cost of the Museum entrance fee; reservations are appreciated at +39 3343346680 - info@museoladinofodom.it

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