Ensemble Trombe FVG at Andraz Castle

10.08.2024 | Andraz Castle

The Ensemble Trombe FVG originated as a musical workshop within the class of Maestro Giovanni Vello at the "Fondazione S. Cecilia" School of Music in Portogruaro-Venice. As part of the annual "Music in Agordino" festival, the Castle of Andraz will host this exceptional brass ensemble. The group consists of graduates who have attended advanced courses and collaborated in concert activities with renowned maestros such as M. Tamburini, S. Burns, M. Stockhausen, M. Pierobon, M. Braito, A. Frugoni, G. Cassone, G. Parodi, F. Maniero, M. Maur, D. Short, S. Nakariakov, A. Vizzutti, G. Tarkovi, and O. Tomasoni.

The Ensemble aims to emotionally engage the audience, and in such a suggestive and resonant place as the castle, it cannot be otherwise!

For more information and reservations: +39 3343346680 - info@castellodiandraz.it

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Walk under the stars in the surroundings of Andraz Castle
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