Discovering the little villages of the Fodom valley: Corte, Contrin and Cherz

26.07.2024 | Corte - Contrin - Cherz

A journey (on foot!) to discover the most authentic and hidden corners of the Fodom Valley, to discover the history, architecture, culture and traditions, but also the naturalistic and scenic aspects that characterize it.

FRIDAY, JULY 26, 2024: Outing Discovering the vicinities of: Corte, Contrin and Cherz.

MEETING: 8:45 a.m. in the Piazza Grande of Pieve di Livinallongo (return expected early afternoon).

DIFFICULTY: easy, about 8 kilometers, 400 positive elevation gain.


COST*: 20 Euro for adults / 10 Euro for children between 7 and 13 years old. * cost includes booklet-guide and if the outing includes it, a shuttle bus will be organized for round trip and/or return. Lunch, packed, is the responsibility of the participant.

RESERVATIONS: it is always necessary to make reservations by 1 p.m. the day before the outing.

CONTACTS: Museo Ladino Fodom (+39) 3343346680  or Arabba Fodom Turismo (+39) 0436780019

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