Concert Choir

13.08.2021 | Sala Congressi Arabba

Friday August 13th Concert of local choir "Fodom" at 9pm at the Congress Hall of Arabba.

Guest of the evening the "Vocinvalle" choir

Activities and experiences
Enrosadira: scopri il tramonto sulle Dolomiti
Enrosadira: scopri il tramonto sulle Dolomiti
15.06.2021 - 30.09.2021 | Passo Campolongo
Hour 17:30
Concert Choir
Concert Choir
13.08.2021 | Sala Congressi Arabba
Hour 21:00
Trekking on the glacier with a mountain guide
Trekking on the glacier with a mountain guide
17.07.2021 - 30.09.2021 | Passo Fedaia
Hour 00:00