Commemoration for the fallen of the First World War

04.08.2024 | Monte Col di Lana

Commemoration to remember the fallen during the First World War.


- h. 10:45 greeting to the authority

- h 10:59 honor to the fallen

- h 11:00 Holy Mass

In case of bad weather the ceremony will take place at the Church of Pieve di Livinallongo.

Activities and experiences
Documentary projection "La baraca de fen"
Documentary projection "La baraca de fen"
22.08.2024 | Museo Ladino Fodom, Pieve di Livinallongo
Concert by the pianist Paolo Zanarella
Concert by the pianist Paolo Zanarella
12.08.2024 | Arabba Square
The astronomical discoveries of Niccolò Cusano
The astronomical discoveries of Niccolò Cusano
11.08.2024 | Castello di Andraz